We all get bored, but is there more going on here when we look deeper?
An overview of the kettlebell swing with muscles activated and movement path
Grip is an important part of performance and also a marker for long-term health
Much of my time was spent in classic and ancient philosophy. Here are some of the best
Some of the books that have had an incredible impact on my own journey
A journey into coaching that could improve your toolbox for better results
How to take back control by realising you do not have to control anything
A list of the books I have read that I recommend for business growth
A list of the books I have read that I recommend for personal development
A list of the books I have read and come back to for mindset
How do we learn, adapt and change? That would be neuroplasticity
One of the most important questions you can ask yourself
A challenge can be a great way to jumpstart your health journey
Qi Gong can be a great route towards health and inner peace
How much time should I exercise as a beginner? – your way to start a new routine
How can SMART goals help you improve your chances of success?
What can we learn from stress and our relationship to it?
Can a smart watch be a good inclusion for your health and fitness journey?
5 Pillars of health and 3 tips to help you make progress in these important areas
An introduction to kettlebells and why these are some of the best tools available for your fitness goals.
How to do the Mindfulness of Breathing guided meditation in all 4 stages
How to move from thinking about it to actually doing it and sticking with it
A look at probably the most important part of kettlebell snatch training in competition - endurance for higher numbers.