The Strength Academy
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Here is a selection of our professional courses for your growth and development in physical fitness and mental health
Mindset Jumpstart - halve your stress and double your confidence in 30 days, with the most important foundations of awareness. Several hours of content and 30 videos
Complete Kettlebell Masterclass - several hours and 26 videos of almost everything I know about kettlebells, plus my course manual and 10 bonus 10-minute training sessions
Coming soon - Mindset For Life - the journey that can transform your life from the inside out as you truly become aware of who you are and why you are here
The Health Trilogy Is Now Available In Paperback
Mindset and Fat Loss covers the missing link for anyone who has struggled with their weight and only considered diet and exercise
You Can Meditate is aimed at giving those who have always wanted to learn to meditate a way in and draws from research, personal experience and coaching many clients
The Path To Inner Peace is an introduction to mindfulness for anyone wanting to lay to foundation stones of awareness and personal growth to a more peaceful existence
Here is a selection of our eBooks for your physical fitness and mental health
Kettlebell Training Manual - the very manual used to train thousands of people around the world and certify instructors
Weightlifting For Sports - how to safely use the Olympic lifts in your training for maximum performance as an athlete
The Path To Inner Peace - a short trip around the mind to give you solid foundations in awareness